Data Center Industry Auction - Buy the "The Data Center Professionals Network"!

The Network is for Sale!!!

Welcome Members...

Thanks for joining us and taking the time to learn more about this opportunity.

The business world continues to change at a rapid pace. Social media is now an essential strategic tool for any serious business that wants to improve how it engages with both existing and new customers. Today we are here to present you with the chance to acquire some established social media channels that will help you to extend your reach in the global data center industry and help you connect with new customers worldwide.

If you are an ambitious data center industry business, can see the potential of social media, and want to take your business to new levels - then we believe we have something that is of both of interest and of value to you.

Opportunity Overview

You are hopefully a forward looking business and can see the potential for social media to supercharge your business...we want to help you.

On this page we want to tell you more and hopefully answer some key questions. The sections below give you some background info to the sale and provide you with additional information that may help you in considerations (including website traffic figures etc).

However, If you have any questions please email us at Admin@DataCenterProfessionals.Net and we'll get right back to you.

What's on Offer?

The offer consists of two operational sites, some URLs, and various twitter accounts comprising:
www.DataCenterProfessionals.Net (Working Site)
www.DataCenterVendors.Com (Working Site)
www.CertifiedDataCenters.Com (URL only)
+ variations on the above URLs
+ multiple twitter feeds (@DataCenterNews, @DataCenterPR, @DataCtrJobs, and others...)

Where can I find more information?

Besides looking at the sites themselves (www.DataCenterProfessionals.Net & I have put a zip file together with a summary deck and some site traffic figures.

To access the file please go here:

What's the Value Proposition?

Every modern business needs to have a good online presence. The sale of the data center professionals network (and it's various social media assets) enables you to add unique set of new channels at low opex/capex cost to promote your portfolio of products & services - allowing you to increase your market reach and increase sales.

Our network is proven to continuously generate leads with little or no operational effort. This means even if you did nothing and simply maintain these assets you would generate leads and increase your presence. If you were forward thinking and actually put some effort to take these networks to a new level then who knows what you might achieve.

Why the sale, and why now?

Unfortunately I was never able to build upon some early successes for these sites because they were never my full-time job.   I created them at a time I was building a data center complex within a large multinational and at the time I created them more as a hobby and never had the time to develop them as a business - so they have always been more of a sideline.    These days I'm moving ever further away from any direct involvement in the data center industry.  I'm currently working on a startup and I need to focus on this completely.   Hence it is time for me to offload these assets so I can concentrate on my new venture.  But I do believe these datacenter sites are assets and have some value - I could seem them doing quite well if I can find them a good home.

The Auction Process (Sealed first-price auction or blind auction)

In this type of auction all bidders submit sealed bids so that no bidder knows the bid of any other participant. The highest bidder pays the price they submitted, but with one additional rule (see item 3 below).

1. Everyone can a bid unto 23:59 on Friday 3rd April 2015.
2. The identity of all parties making a bid are kept private. We will not disclose the identity nor the bid value made by the person.
3. The First person to make a bid above the minimum bid level will be given a special opportunity - they are given one chance to match the highest bid made by anyone at the close of the auction (if a higher bid is received) - hence there is a big advantage in being the 1st to make a sensible bid. The first bidder will be notified if there was a higher bid and given until 23:59 Wednesday 8th April 2015 to decide if they want to match the bid. 
4. If the 1st Person to make a bid does not want to match the highest bid then assets will automatically be sold to person making the other highest bid.
5. Upon completion of the auction all bidders will be notified if they have been successful or not by Thursday 9th April. 
6. The successful bidder can choose to pay either paypal or direct transfer.

To get started please go to the Auction page.

Menu of Items for buyer

We have created this list of all the items available. As a business owner you will no doubt appreciate that it took quite some time to get these up & established - but now it is time to give them a new home with someone who can use them to take their business to new heights. We hope that is you. Note - that although you can select individual items we would find it easier to sell the assets in bulk to a single seller, but if you want to cherry pick then we completely understand.


To get started go to the Auction page.  

If you have any questions please contact us.

Good luck and best wishes.


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